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客製化廣告筆, 客製化筆, 廣告筆, 禮品筆

12178 - 廣告筆


WorldFirst 誕生於 2004 年,由兩位擁有十年銀行工作經驗及一腔創業激情的創新者在南倫敦的一個地下室所建立,其宗旨是希望為客戶提供大銀行以外的真正替代選擇。從那時起,WorldFirst開始呈指數級增長,迅速成長至一隊擁有約 600 人、實力雄厚的國際團隊,並成為領先市場、屢獲殊榮、擊敗銀行、增長迅猛、充滿歡樂的國際支付公司。
The WorldFirst ordered the samba pen as promotional items. Opt for full-color graphic or bold color decorations when you stamp your business name and image on these company branded plastic pens. Great for mass distribution, these click top pens are made to be affordable for just about any budget. Give them out at trade shows, fundraisers, job fairs and other promotional events to spread the word about your business in a low-cost, high-impact way.
