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13867 - 1000ML運動水瓶


荷蘭皇家帝斯曼集團是一家以目標為導向,活躍於營養,健康和可持續發展的全球科學公司。帝斯曼不斷推動經濟繁榮,環境改善和社會進步,為所有利益相關方創造可持續的價值。帝斯曼為包括人類營養,動物營養,個人護理與香原料,醫療設備,綠色產品與應用以及新型移動性與連接性領域提供創新業務解決方案。帝斯曼及其關聯公司約23000名 員工創造了約100億歐元的年銷售額。公司已在泛歐阿姆斯特丹交易所上市(泛歐交易所阿姆斯特丹)。
DSM ordered the drink bottle as advertising gifts. The drink bottle is made from 100% non-toxic tritan plastic, which is do no harm to our body and it is environmentally friendly. Leak-proof loop-top swings open wide to reveal a contoured, high-low drinking spout that's easy to fill at the fountain or sink. One-handed push button, it is easy for you to open or close. Locking bail for ultimate insurance is against leaks. The drink bottle is perfect for running, gym, yoga, tennis, hiking, office use or travelling.
