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客製沙灘禮品, 夏日贈品, 沙灘毛巾, 太陽眼鏡, 防水袋, 遮陽帽, 沙灘充氣禮品, 客製化潛水用品, 客製游泳商品, 客製禮品, 禮贈品公司, 台灣禮品, 紀念品, 禮品批發商, 客製化商品, 企業禮品, 商務禮品, 文具, 文儀用品, 環保禮品, 客製禮物, 禮物包裝

5029 - 掛繩防水袋

Force 21 Equipment Pte Ltd

Force 21 Equipment Pte Ltd
Since 2001, Force 21 has been creating success stories through our multi-faceted solution and making positive impacts at the forefront of the industry. Building on the core competency in the areas of defence as well as security and surveillance technology, the company have expanded the capabilities over the years to include consultancy and services for an end-to-end experience for the customers.

The Force 21 Equipment Pte Ltd selected the Waterproof Bag with Lanyard as outdoor gifts. Whether you're taking a trip to the beach, a trip to the pool, or just a walk outdoors on a rainy day, you'll want to protect certain items from water damage. That includes papers and electronic devices. Of course, these days many of us are constantly using our phones, so you'll want something that not only protects your phone from water damage, but also allows you to continue using waterproof bag with lanyard at the same time. The Waterproof Bag with Lanyard makes a wonderful promotional giveaway item for any business that manufactures or sells phones.
