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7168 - 布質中國扇


絲芙蘭(SEPHORA)於1970年在法國巴黎成立,主營連鎖化妝品店鋪,1997年併入酩悅·軒尼詩-路易·威登集團(LVMH - Moët Hennessy · Louis Vuitton S.A.)。
SEPHORA selected the Plastic Chinese Hand Fan as promotional outdoor gifts. The Chinese hand fan is made of plastic, it is useful and durable. Not only are these pretty fans made of heavy cloth and plastic ribbing, but their frame is crafted with smooth plastic as well. Have your message printed on these fun giveaways and hand them out at trade shows, weddings, or sponsored costume parties. Plastic folding fans give customers a chance to cool off and promote your cause with style.
